Collage and textile work come together in an inspired collection of techniques and projects!
When designer Mandy Pattullo weds collage with textile work, the result is a happy marriage of techniques. Mandy shows how to transform those hoarded bits of fabric, trim, and memory-filled domestic textiles into something new and personal. From sourcing and unpicking found material to creating portraits with transferred images, and projects too, Textile Collage is a unique resource of creative ideas.
We have one of these wonderful books to giveaway! To enter the competition and be in with a chance of winning, please tell us what this month's giveaway code is. This can be found on page 80 of the April issue.
Collage and textile work come together in an inspired collection of techniques and projects!
When designer Mandy Pattullo weds collage with textile work, the result is a happy marriage of techniques. Mandy shows how to transform those hoarded bits of fabric, trim, and memory-filled domestic textiles into something new and personal. From sourcing and unpicking found material to creating portraits with transferred images, and projects too, Textile Collage is a unique resource of creative ideas.
We have one of these wonderful books to giveaway! To enter the competition and be in with a chance of winning, please tell us what this month's giveaway code is. This can be found on page 80 of the April issue.
Closing date: 30/04/2017
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