WIN MAGIX Rescue Your Videotapes!
8th Edition
for Microsoft Windows 7 | 8 | 10
WIN MAGIX Rescue Your Videotapes!
8th Edition
for Microsoft Windows 7 | 8 | 10
Digitize and preserve your home movies for life
High time to bring your VHS and DV cassette video treasures to the digital age. Secure and edit your recordings in just a few steps. MAGIX has the perfect solution: Rescue Your Videotapes!
Only MAGIX gives you a complete set of accessories to connect your VCR or camcorder to your computer! The software immediately recognizes the high-quality video grabber, allowing you to get started digitizing your videos right away. Three different connection options (including SCART connection, S-Video connection and cinch) guarantees compatibility with all video sources.
The rescue package contains: MAGIX Video easy HD software, High-quality USB video converter, SCART adapter, Useful video tutorial and Detailed manual.
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To win MAGIX Rescue Your Videotapes!
all you have to do is answer the following question correctly:
How many connection options are there?A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
Only entries submitted using our form will be accepted
Competition ends 31/05/17
Winners will be notified by email 01/06/17
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