Win A Virtual Reality Insane Headset

VR Insane are a UK brand focused on providing the best virtual reality experiences at attractive price points. Stocked in retail stores around the world, VR Insane headsets are designed for comfort, durability and performance, complemented by easy-to-use apps developed in-house.
Enter a new reality and start exploring the incredible world of Virtual Reality (VR) with the new VR Insane POP360 virtual reality headset. The POP360 lets you watch all your favourite 360 movies and play all the latest must have VR games with just the use of your smartphone.
Content, content and more content! The POP360 comes with its own free VR apps! Updated every single day, the VR Insane app and the all new VR Insane Kids app, bring you the best VR videos the internet has to offer; they’re your one stop VR video shop.
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