Win a Kindle Fire And Kids Kindle Being Tillys Mummy

Having been a blogger for over 4 years and in that time I have become part of a fantastic blogging community. The community gets together a couple of times a year to offer a giveaway to a lucky winner and this giveaway is all about Kindles. The prize is a Fire HD 8 Tablet (8gb) and a Fire Kids Edition Tablet (in pink or blue). Tilly has the kids Kindle in pink and she has had it for two years. She drops it down the stairs, she drops it in the garden and she just drops it everywhere. It has never broken because the pink Kindle cover protects it so well. We also have another competition going on for a Paper Haul subscription, so please pop over and take a look
Once again a whole host of amazing bloggers have teamed up to offer you the chance to win a great prize (something we couldn't do individually), but who are this group of amazing people; well check them out:
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