Sophie Finds a Fairy Door is the first book in the Adventures Through the Fairy Door series written by Laura Sheldon and illustrated by Erica Jane Waters. A magical tale of Sophie's adventures helping the fairies, this book is aimed at children aged 3-9. And we have 10 copies to give away!
When Sophie moves her teddies, she finds a magical fairy door in the skirting board. Bella, the fairy, flies in and takes her to fairyland – with the help of some fairy dust. After flying through fairyland they catch the teacup train home again – but it won’t go and no amount of fairy dust will help. Thank goodness Sophie has the answer and saves the day!
Erica Jane Waters is a renowned illustrator of children’s picture and novelty books and has worked for major publishers including Hachette, Scholastic, Ladybird, Egmont and many more. She currently lives in Oxfordshire.
Sophie Finds a Fairy Door is the first book in the Adventures Through the Fairy Door series written by Laura Sheldon and illustrated by Erica Jane Waters. A magical tale of Sophie's adventures helping the fairies, this book is aimed at children aged 3-9. And we have 10 copies to give away!
When Sophie moves her teddies, she finds a magical fairy door in the skirting board. Bella, the fairy, flies in and takes her to fairyland – with the help of some fairy dust. After flying through fairyland they catch the teacup train home again – but it won’t go and no amount of fairy dust will help. Thank goodness Sophie has the answer and saves the day!
Erica Jane Waters is a renowned illustrator of children’s picture and novelty books and has worked for major publishers including Hachette, Scholastic, Ladybird, Egmont and many more. She currently lives in Oxfordshire.
Laura Sheldon is a teacher in the Vale of Glamorgan. Her first book, Mr Mahli’s Shed, was published by Firefly Press in 2014.
Sophie Finds a Fairy Door is licensed by FairyDoorz, published by Firefly Press and is available online and from all good booksellers.
How to win a copy
Just fill in the form below by 11am 27 April for a chance to win one of 10 copies of Sophie Finds a Fairy Door.
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