Win 1 of 5 Message in a Bottle World Book Day

Lion is fed up with the city and moves to a desert island, just him and his trusty guitar. But he soon starts feeling lonely and sends out a message in a bottle, looking for a friend – one friend – to strum guitar with. No one comes, so Lion sends out more and more bottles. Suddenly, animals of all shapes and sizes start arriving from around the world. There are lots of them… and none of them brings a guitar. Will Lion open his home and heart to the new arrivals? A stunning, topical picture book from an exciting new talent, Matt Hunt.
For your chance to get your hands on one of five copies of Message in a Bottle, simply email your name and address to [email protected] using the subject header ‘WBD: Message in a Bottle’. The five winners will be picked at random after the closing date of 30th April 2017.

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