Win 1 of 3 sets of Tiara Friends books World Book Day

WIN Tiara Friends: The Secret of the Silk Dress, by Paula Harrison
Best friends Millie and Jess look just like twins! Millie is a princess and Jess is a maid so they have lots of fun swapping dresses and going on adventures around Peveril Palace. When Millie’s snooty cousins come to stay, a silk dress goes missing. Can Millie and Jess work out who took it, before the wrong person gets the blame?For your chance to get your hands on one of three sets of Tiara Friends: The Secret of the Silk Dress and Tiara Friends: The Case of the Stolen Crown, simply email your name and address to [email protected] using the subject header WBD: Tiara Friends. The three winners will be picked at random after the closing date of 30th April 2017.

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