COMPETITION TIME! Here at UKMUMS.TV we are loving the new FRUIT BOWL range of snacks! And just for you, our followers, we have an amazing opportunity to be one of three winners of this fabulous FRUIT BOWL hamper of goodies worth £50 each.
In addition to the school bars and fruity snacks, you’ll fund a cook book, baking tray and more!
To see more about FRUIT BOWL go to or to enter answer the question and leave your detials before the closing date of 23rd April 2018
COMPETITION TIME! Here at UKMUMS.TV we are loving the new FRUIT BOWL range of snacks! And just for you, our followers, we have an amazing opportunity to be one of three winners of this fabulous FRUIT BOWL hamper of goodies worth £50 each.
In addition to the school bars and fruity snacks, you’ll fund a cook book, baking tray and more!
To see more about FRUIT BOWL go to or to enter answer the question and leave your detials before the closing date of 23rd April 2018
Q. This prize hamper includes what among lots of yummy snacks?A cook book
A story book
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