Win 1 of 10 The Make-Up Manual by Lisa Potter-Dixon Beauty Bible

We adore Lisa Potter-Dixon – Instagram star, make-up artist, creator of brilliant on-line how-to tutorials on her YouTube channel, (and familiar to many as the ‘face’ of Benefit on QVC, where she’s Head Make-up Artist). She’s one of our go-to professionals for make-up advice, which she delivers with expertise accessorised with a large dollop of fun. This is someone who ‘gets’ that make-up can be a daily joy – but really know her stuff.
She’s also Jo’s go-to for brow-grooming once a month (Lisa refers to Jo’s brows as ‘my babies’!), and is responsible for transforming Jo’s blonde, scant brows into true face architecture.
Already the author of one bestseller – Easy on the Eyes, a brilliant guide to everything you need to know about creating impactful eyes – Lisa’s just launched The Make-Up Manual (Ryland Peters & Small). This clearly laid-out hardback is packed with beauty advice for brows, eyes, skin, lips, wedding make-up and more – and one of the things we love about it is that although every woman photographed looks downright fabulous, not a single image has been retouched.
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